Another one of my bucket list writerly dream came true. I recently attended an Immersion. What is an Immersion? A quick recap for the uninitiated, Immersion is a four-day crucible for writers, usually held in Colorado but luckily this time hosted in Ohio. The retreat hones participants writing skills with the help of the Bela Karolyi of writing instructors– Margie Lawson.
She has driven many writers to distraction, but she has also driven many writers to multi-book publishing deals and bestseller lists.
I arrived nervous, scared, but ready to learn. And learn I did.
We reviewed the basics according to Margie. Nothing shockingly new, earth rattling, or different. Use power words, empower emotion and body language, white space, and the correct use of rhetorical devices. All the packets with her fantastic methods are available here and they are worth ten times the amount she charges.
We practiced the techniques and got instant feedback. We read and reviewed and tweaked, then critiqued more, from early morning into the night, even during meals!
The experience was like receiving instruction from an NBA championship coach bent on another win. I loved every brain-squeezing moment.
Another aspect of the Immersion was the other attendees, my Immersion Sisters. A group of mega-talented women who share my dreams, passions, and commitment. We called ourselves the Rebel Zombie Flies. Don’t ask about the name, it would take too long to explain. But if you are curious follow this link
Going in, I thought I wasn’t ready, my work was crap, and I was still light years from my dream.
I left abuzz with an infusion of energy and faith. I push on submitting work with new vigor. The implements in my writer’s toolbox glistening, sharpened to a diamond hard edge and my spirit bolstered by a taste of what I hope the future holds, crafting stories that are stellar, spending my time making them perfect– living the life I have always imagined.
As a fellow immersioner it was fantastic to read about your experience and relive mine. Good luck with your writing and maybe one day we’ll meet in another immersion experience. I believe one of my immersion sisters was with you. Jacki. Wish I was there too. 🙂
YES! Immersion is the best–right? Thanks for stopping by.